How does an electric bear fence work?
A Bear Sentry is an example of a simple electrical circuit. The polywire is connected to the positive ( + ) terminal of the energizer; all the lines are ( + ). The ground stake is connected to the negative ( - ) terminal of the energizer; all of the ground underfoot and paw is ( - ).

The fence is an open circuit when there is no connection between the ( + ) and ( - ) poles of the energizer. Nothing happens.

When an electrically conductive body like a bear contacts a “hot line,” it becomes the missing link between the fence (positive) and the ground (black).

The bear completes the circuit between the ( + ) and ( - ) poles of the energizer.

A huge 1.0 Joule pulse of electrical energy flows from nose to paws to ground for a split second. Shocked, the bear runs away. Deterred, it won’t come back.